Latest Past Events

OAC Curling Bonspiel

Guelph Curling Club

The Annual Bonspiel is coming up, no prior knowledge of Curling is required to play. Equipment is provided by at the arena, however a clean pair of indoor shoes is required. To sign up a team of 4-5 people email Kurtis Pilkington at A team costume for Halloween is suggested, but not mandatory.  

OAC Winter Games Meeting

Macdonal Stewart hall 209

This is an open meeting for 2020's and 2021's who plan on attending the OAC Winter Games being hosted by Ridgetown Campus from February 2-4th 2018. We'll be going over rules, events, and costs. Registration will begin after the meeting with a $50 deposit to hold your spot. 2018's & 2019's stay posted as your…


OAC Good Times Banquet

Join us at the Ancaster Fairgrounds to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of OAC faculty, alumni and students. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE THIS YEAR. Cocktail half-hour will begin at 6:00pm with dinner at 6:30pm. Buses will be leaving from P14 by the soccer fields at 5:00pm. STUDENTS MUST TAKE THE BUS, IF…